At the end of last month, I noticed an interesting trend regarding my white coat. When I started rotations, I was careful to always keep it on a hanger during transport. Always. Next was placing it neatly on the car seat, then tossing it on the car seat, and finally I've taken to stuffing it in a bag. One could say this represents a shift from superficial matters to more meaningful ones, or from trying to meet expectations to just not caring. Without locking myself in to a viewpoint on the significance, I thought it would be interesting to share how actions change gradually.
Within the last couple months, I had been having a rough go of it again. I was fed up with medicine and looking into alternative career paths. Last month, I was re-reading some of my blog posts and was surprised to find how seriously I had contemplated dropping out of medical school in the past. This made me think about how easily I forget past unpleasant experiences. My current problems are the only ones of their kind I've ever known and I've never experienced them before. At least, that's what I thought. I'm exploring a new world and keep finding my flag planted firmly in the ground. Anyway, I hope I can be more cognisant of struggles, successes, and failures so I can learn from them and not keep re-covering old ground.
In the relationship realm, I've come to the point where I am ok remaining single and ok if I get married. While I sometimes pine for a relationship and other times feel grateful I have no commitment, my overriding feeling is one of peace with my situation, and my focus is on other aspects of life. Not to say that I don't notice pretty girls. One of the reasons I'll be sad to end my current rotation is that I'll never again see a dietician who works in the ICU. That's a story for another time, though.
Speaking of my current rotation, it is my last one of medical school! I'm finishing up with a few weeks in the ICU. After that, I'm hoping to get a job to help with cash flow until my first paycheck of internship. I'm not sure what sort of position I could get for only a few weeks, but I'll try.
As I will no longer be a med student come May 19th, I will be switching to my new blog site, Life of an Intern, shortly after graduation.
12 days of Christmas in the ED
9 years ago