Monday, November 23, 2009

Delayed Newsletter

Once again, several months have elapsed since my last monthly newsletter, so I want to let you all know how I'm doing. I've decided to try the blog format instead of sending out the newsletter via email. My current plan is to blog at least once a week and write a monthly summary of what's going on. I'll then email everyone on my newsletter recipient list to let you know the newsletter's been posted. As usual, I'll try to keep everything concise after this.

Beginning with what I should have mentioned in the April-May timeframe, I've rethought my religious beliefs. To categorize what I believe now, I would say I'm agnostic (I don't see enough evidence either to believe or not believe in spiritual things). If you want to know specifics, please send me an email; I'd rather not elaborate here.

To recap somewhat, I have started my second year and the status is quo. I've realized that waxing and waning of motivation, of comprehension of material, and of morale is the norm. Thus, I should not expect that getting used to med school will cause me to have consistently high motivation, etc. I've (re)realized that what I will get used to will be the roller coaster effect, so I shouldn't get in a tailspin during the down times, thinking that I still don't have a handle on med school when I should by this point. I've made it this far and I'm actually doing fairly well.

We started a new block last week, so we're learning about the endocrine system (hormones, the organs that make them, and the effects they have in the body). With this new block comes a renewed sense of being able to stay on top of my studies. So far, I'm doing this relatively well, except I just spent too much time this weekend on leisure activities than I should have. My goal is to be deliberate about the use of my time and in general work on my self discipline. My lack of discipline has shown itself in various ways such as the aforementioned misuse of a weekend and the uncleanliness of my apartment (I think more mildew would be growing in the bathroom if it weren't scared off by how dirty it is in there).

Yesterday, I found a blog by a girl who is trying to set the record for youngest solo, unassisted, non-stop global circumnavigation (sailing around the world). She started on October 18th, so I had just over a month's worth of reading to do (part of my misspent weekend). The reason I'm so interested in this is I want to go on long-term sailing trips and I'd like to vicariously experience what she's doing. It will be exciting following her progress, and I hope it will motivate me not only to do what I can now to get ready for future sailing, but also to stay dedicated to the task at hand, i.e. preparing for my other dream of being a doctor.

I'll try to be more diligent about future updates. Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

HANA said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I hope your next unit goes well. As for those little things which you feel you have "wasted" so much time on...I've often found those are the things in life that have meant the most to me in hindsight. Reading about a young girl's dream of sailing certainly sounds interesting to me. :)